Clock Tower

Historic of Tower: Declared Monument
Year of completion: 1916

Located next to Tsim Sha Tsui Ferry Station, the Clock Tower was erected in 1915, witnessed the centuries of history and change of Hong Kong, its site is a part of Kowloon Railway Station. Before the Wold War II, refugees from Mainland China flooded into Hong Kong by the KCR to this old train station, some of them stayed in Hong Kong to start their new life or in transit of Hong Kong to the overseas by ships. The British was used this Railway Station as their Far East Terminal with age of steam train, this Clock Tower was built with red brick and granite tower, full of colonial flavour.

Historic building level, the Antiquities Advisory Board is the Hong Kong Government Leisure and Cultural Services Department of Hong Kong's rating criteria historic buildings, details, please see the

Address : Star Ferry pier, Kowloon Point, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
How to get there : - Star Ferry pier, Kowloon Point, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
- Star Ferry from Central or Wanchai to Star Ferry Station and follow the sign boards.

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